Recent articles: Outcomes assessment; Boolean or not; perspectives on IL; EBLIP

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June 28, 2018 at 03:58PM via

The latest issue of open access journal

College and Research Libraries

(volume 79 issue 4, 2018) includes:

Outcomes Assessment in Undergraduate Information Literacy Instruction: A Systematic Review

by Allison Erlinger

The Boolean is Dead, Long Live the Boolean! Natural Language versus Boolean Searching in Introductory Undergraduate Instruction

by M. Sara Lowe, Bronwen K. Maxson, Sean, M. Stone, Willie Miller, Eric Snajdr, Kathleen Hanna

Three Perspectives on Information Literacy in Academia: Talking to Librarians, Faculty, and Students

by Anna Yevelson-Shorsher, Jenny Bronstein

Experiencing Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP): Academic Librarians’ Perspective

by Lili Luo

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Photo by Sheila Webber: used plate, Munch Museum, May 2018