Ajit Pai finally gets around to fighting fraud in FCC comment system

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July 11, 2018 at 01:41PM via https://arstechnica.com

The Federal Communications Commission is planning to overhaul its public comments system to deter fraud and abuse, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a letter to lawmakers last week.

The FCC may institute a CAPTCHA system as part of a redesign that will “institute appropriate safeguards against abusive conduct,” Pai told Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Pat Toomey (R-Penn.).

“[T]he FCC is planning to rebuild and re-engineer ECFS [Electronic Comment Filing System] and has submitted a request to reprogram the funds necessary to undertake this project,” Pai wrote. “This reprogramming request is pending before the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, and we hope they will enable us to make important improvements by approving it soon.”

The FCC comment system accepts public input on FCC proposals. The system allows anyone to comment and takes no significant steps to prevent spam or fraud.

Pai left fake comments in the record

During the net neutrality proceeding, the FCC refused to delete fake comments even when the real people who had been impersonated asked for the comments’ removal. Pai defended that decision in his letter to lawmakers, saying that “when individuals contacted the Commission to complain that a comment was falsely filed in their name, the Commission responded by inviting them to file a statement to that effect in the public record.”

But now that the net neutrality proceeding is long over, Pai is in favor of taking steps to combat comment fraud.