Accountants call for AI code of ethics

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July 29, 2018 at 10:13PM
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Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) is calling on businesses to develop codes of ethics, or updated governance guidelines, governing the capabilities of any artificial intelligence tools they use, and for AI algorithms to be designed so they can be reviewed by a third party.

CA ANZ has released a report — Machines can learn, but what will we teach them – setting out its concerns and its recommendations. It looks at the ethical considerations around AI and machine learning, and possible implications on society, business, regulators, individuals, and the accounting profession.

The report identifies the downside of AI as risks to privacy, data security, the potential for social reengineering, and the threat to jobs, saying there are no commonly agreed policies or accountability frameworks to control these developments.

It notes that the Australian Government has allocated $A30m in this year’s Federal Budget for AI development, including an ethical framework.

CA ANZ’s business reform leader Karen McWilliams said the world was at an ethical crossroad where the right direction for the development of machine learning and AI needs to be set.