Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about IEEI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or becoming an IEEI Accredited Provider (AP)? You’ve come to the right place. If you don’t find the answers you’re seeking, please contact us.


Becoming an IEEI AP

Q: Can an individual become an IEEI Accredited Provider of Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?

A: No, only organizations that are chartered or incorporated, governmental units, or legally recognized sole proprietorships are eligible to become IEEI APs. (However, individuals can be members of IEEI.)

Q: How many years does our organization need to have been in business to become an IEEI AP?

A: Your organization must have been in business and operating under the conditions described in the application for at least one year.

Q: Can our organization get a single training course, program, or learning event approved without becoming an AP?

A: IEEI does not approve courses or learning events independent of the AP accreditation process. We approve organizations that: 1) provide continuing education and training to data and information workers, and 2) demonstrate through the review process that the organization’s policies and processes comply with the ANSI/IEEI Standard for Continuing Education and Training.

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The AP Application Process

Q: How long does it take to be approved as an AP?

A: Generally, the review process takes three to four months. However, the length of time varies, depending on the amount of additional information requested in the application review process and the amount of time it takes to schedule the site visit.

Q: How much does it cost to become an AP?

A: The cost of the application package is $450. At the time of submission, applicants are also required to submit a non-refundable application fee of $3,250 ($2,500 for current APs seeking reaccreditation). This fee covers administrative costs, expenses related to the site visit, and honoraria. After AP accreditation, an organization pays annual accreditation fees of $835.

Q: What is the purpose of the site visit during the AP application process?

A: During the site visit, representatives from the IEEI Commission verify that all of the information contained in an organization’s application is accurate. Visitors may ask questions about specific items on the application and may ask an organization to confirm responses with evidence. The Commission also may review course materials and other organizational materials.

Q: Can I get a sample of a completed AP application?

A: Unfortunately, sample applications almost beg for imitation. Each organization is different, so there is not necessarily one correct response to each section of the application. IEEI wants to see that your organization understands each element of the Standard’s categories and can show how your organization goes about meeting each requirement within the continuing education and training you provide. Your application should describe your organization, how it administers training, and how it provides continuing education units. If you have questions about the application process, we recommend that you attend one of our AP workshops or participate in one of our informational webinars.

Q: What role does the IEEI staff play in the application process?

A: When an application is submitted, IEEI staff review each application for completeness before passing it on to the IEEI Commission. Staff also tracks the status of applications, handles billing, and answers questions about the application process.

Q: How do I know if I have the most current version of the AP application?

A: The most current AP application will always be available at An email notification containing the new application will be sent to organizations that have purchased, but not yet submitted, the Standard and Application.

Q: Can I obtain a consultant to help me through the process?

To ensure the integrity of our accreditation process, IEEI does not endorse, recommend, or otherwise provide names of consultants that may be qualified to assist providers through the IEEI accreditation process. However, providers may use the IEEI LinkedIn Group as a resource to assist in finding a consultant. IEEI does not make any representation on the quality or qualifications of consultants found independently by providers. The use of a consultant in obtaining accreditation is not required by IEEI. In addition, no consultants or associated firms garner special benefit from IEEI through the process. 

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What happens after becoming an IEEI AP?

Q: How long is AP status valid?

A: The Accredited Provider status is valid for five years from the date of approval. During the fifth year, an organization that wants to maintain its AP accreditation must apply for reaccreditation, which revisits the steps followed in the original AP application process.

Q: If our organization is already an AP, do we need to submit materials for new activities or courses to IEEI when we create new programs?

A: No. If your organization is an AP, you should have an internal review processes in place to ensure your programs– current and new–meet the ANSI/IEEI Standard.

Q: Who can use the AP logo?

A: Only IEEI APs may use the logo. It may not be used by individual IEEI members.

Q: How will we know about changes to the ANSI/IEEI Standard?

A: IEEI notifies members by email and posts notifications at

Q: Can an AP use non-employee instructors to deliver courses?

A: Yes, as long as your organization selects, monitors, and evaluates them using the processes described in your AP application.

Q: Our company has several subsidiaries. If the training department of one becomes an AP, are the others considered APs because they are part of the same parent organization?

A: Because subsidiaries tend to operate independently of a parent organization, IEEI requires that subsidiaries undertake the AP application process and become APs in order to offer IEEI CEUs.

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More About IEEI CEUs

Q: Once our organization is an AP, can we co-sponsor CEU learning activities, courses, or programs with other organizations that award IEEI CEUs?

A: Only an AP can use the IEEI AP logo and offer IEEI CEUs. If your organization is awarding IEEI CEUs under your name at an event, and if you are responsible for ensuring that activities, courses, and programs meet all of the ANSI/IEEI Standard categories and elements, you may offer IEEI CEUs. However, you may not authorize another organization to offer IEEI CEUs.

Q: Can an instructor/trainer receive IEEI CEUs for a training event they are delivering?

A:  No, instructors are responsible for delivering the educational content to participants and assessing whether or not participants achieved the learning outcomes. It is assumed that the instructor has established competence in the content area prior to the training event. Instructors are not active learners in the training event; they are the facilitators of learning.

Q: Can IEEI CEUs be awarded retroactively for courses that took place before accreditation?

A: No, an organization must fulfill the ANSI/IEEI Standard requirements and be approved prior to awarding CEUs.

Q: Can an AP offer IEEI CEUs for courses it purchases from another provider?

A: Yes, but only if the AP ensures that the courses purchased fully meet the ANSI/IEEI Standard, just as internally developed courses are evaluated. For example, you must:

    • Conduct a needs analysis and review the materials before purchasing them
    • Ensure that appropriate learning outcomes are incorporated into course design, development, delivery, and assessment
    • Verify that qualified personnel instruct the courses
    • Ensure that effective methodology is employed in the delivery of the learning event or program
    • Ensure that the program is evaluated comprehensively, with the results of the evaluation used for continuous improvement of the training program.

In other words, the purchased courses must be subject to the same policies and processes described in the AP application and used on courses your organization develops itself.

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